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nd he was certain that he helped Iranian Jews trying to smuggle their money out of Iran. Leviatan got out cheaply and was sentenced to 30 days' community service. Tal, who confessed to laundering $10 million, was sentenced to 52 months' imprisonment. He served his sentence at Danbury jail in Connecticut but he did not learn his lesson. When he was released, he joined a gang, which was captured in the FBI's "sting" operation. This time he managed to flee to Israel where he apparently remains to this day. The gold and diamond industry has recently become the favorite of the drug barons, due to the numerous possibilities for laundering which it contains. One of the popular methods is laundering by means of trading in gold. This is how it works. The drug money is converted into gold, which is smuggled to Colombia, from where it is exported to Milano and used to make jewelry which then legitimately returns to 47th Street. "The funniest thing in this business," say the investigators, "is that the jewelry comes here under favored import conditions because the gold seemingly originates from Colombia and that state possesses favored terms of trade with tile US." There are also other methods. Drug money is deposited in the accounts of diamond merchants as though it were their profits and is later transferred to Colonibia. Sophisticated diamond deals are made between various parties with the aiin of "releasing" large amounts of money on the side. Sums of less than $10,000 are deposited in various bank accounts, converted into travelers' checks and then transported to their final destination. But in spite of the ingenuity, undoubtedly one of the most popular and successful ways to launder money is through Jewish religious institutions, such as yeshivas and synagogues. Since the majority of the 47th Street gold and diamond merchants are religious Jews the process is made easier. The Jewish religious institutions badly need funds. The Colombian drug traders can be generous. They transfer their drug money as donations, which go to the Jewish religious institutions one way and come out by the other way back to the donors. On the way, the synagogue or yeshiva obtains a respectable percentage for its pious uses. Everyone is happy, the drug barons who launder their money quickly and efficiently and the synagogue or yeshiva which makes easy money. The first laundering operation in which a Jewish institute in New York was involved was exposed in 1984. A ring which laundered about $23 million while making a profit of $2 million operated at the oldest yeshiva in the city, Tifereth Yerushalayim, located in Manhattan. The laundering was performed for the Kali cartel. The contact man was David Va'anunu, mentioned in the context of the Prism affair, who worked with the cartel's major launderer, Jose Satro. The yeshiva's representative was a very pious Hassid, Mendel Goldenberger, who daily received cash from Va'anunu and deposited the money in the yeshiva's accounts. Goldenberger, who claimed not to have known the source of the money, was convicted of forging bank documents and given five years' suspended imprisonment. Va'anunu was convicted, sentenced to eight years' imprisonment but released much earlier after he became an informer for the DEA. Later, as was stated, he ran into trouble again and fled the US. Nine persons were convicted in that affair, including Rabbi Israel Eidelman, Vice President of the yeshiva and some of its dignitaries. Tiferet Yer-ushalayim faced financial difficulties at that time. It leaders attempted to maintain the students by paying them from the laundered drug profits. The phenomenon, incidentally, is very common among New York Jews. Many Jewish congregations are dying because their members are leaving the city or their former neighborhoods. Thus, the congregations are losing their sources of income and facing large debts. In that situation the road is short for the synagogue or yeshiva to launder drug money as a pious duty, since it means easy money and lots of it. "Laundering money is extremely beneficial to the yeshivas and other Jewish religious institutions," said a source close to the investigation. "They are in a difficult situation and therefore they turn a blind eye to the drug problem. They don't ask what the source of the money is as long as it keeps coming in." The attitude of the pious Jewish community, according to the same source, is: "Drugs are sold anyway. As long as it does not harm our own community and only does good for it, it doesn't matter if we benefit from drug trade." The role of the Israelis is, in many cases, to make the connection between the religious Jewish communities of New York and the Colombians. The Colombians are more satisfied with this method of laundering than with any other because, for political reasons, it is a relatively secure way of which it could be initially assumed that it was not going to be forcibly investigated by the US authorities. Only in July 1990 the situation began to change. The Federal authorities renewed an investigation of some Williamsburg Hassids, owners of jewelry shops on 47th Street, who were suspected of laundering drug money. The investigation focused on the brothers Naftali, Naiklosh and Yitzhak Slilesinger, and on Ya'akov Shlesinger (Naftali's son) and Milon Jakloby, his nephew. The investigators found evidence of close connections between the Slilesingers and the Andonian brothers, members of a Colombian family accused of laundering, almost one billion dollars. The Shlesingers were suspected of laundering money by means of a subsidiary called Bali, through checks drawn from the account of "Camp Yereim" ["Camp of the Pious]" - a Hassidic summer camp in the Catskills. Camp Yereim denies any connection with these checks. On April 7 of this year, Rabbi Abraham Lau, a prominent Hassid from "Magen Abraham" synagogue in Los Angeles was convicted of conspiring to launder drug money. Lau is married to the niece of the Satmar Rebbe, Moshe Teitlebaumi, who wields enormous political influence in New York State. Unfortunately, Lau told an undercover FBI agent about a "sacred network" of Satmar Hassids in which other Orthodox Jews had also participated. The "sacred network", whose membership was strictly limited to pious Jews, operated in the 47th Street area in New York and was capable of laundering up to $5 million weekly, thanks to its widespread contacts with Jewish charitable institutions. Unfortunately, law enforcement agents in New York do not believe that the "sacred network" and the many other Jewish laundering rings have any sanctity. In the past year the Federal activity concerning Israelis and Jews on 47th Street has greatly increased. The investigators now employ the services of many Hebrew translators since the rings, even if composed of native American Jews, employ only "the sacred language" for their operations. Aharon Sharir is, undoubtedly, the major Israeli launderer. He was born in Iraq about 45 years ago, immigrated to Israel with his family at the age of one year, graduated from an Israeli high school, served with distinction in the army and became an expert in fixing delicate mechanical instruments used to mend gold jewelry. In 1979, Sharir came to New York on a tourist visa with $6,000 in his pocket. He went into the gold business, established a small plant for manufacturing gold jewelry and did well. Then, through another Israeli diamond trader, he discovered the laundering business. Sharir reached a laundering activity of about $160,000 per day, six days per week (laundering is not done on the Sabbath), but in 1985 his wings were clipped when he was accused of having swindled a New York bank to the tune of $3 million. He quickly returned the money and was sentenced to a fine and a suspended prison sentence. In 1988 Sharir's laundering activities reached amazing heights. His gold shop on 47tll Street became one of the greatest laundering centers in the entire US. "Three times a week," Sharir told the court at one of the many trials in which he is now testifying, "we received the cash. It used to arrive in canvas sacks, in cardboard boxes or in suitcases. Sometimes there were a million dollars in one shipment." Roy Lopez, representing the Colombian cartels, would arrive from Miami equipped with a document sent from Colombia, which contained detailed coded instructions about where to send the money. "Even with automatic money-counting machines it was difficult to count the money," Sharir testified. "It arrived in bills of 5, 10 and 20 dollars. The bills, most of which had been used to sniff cocaine, had a strong odor of coke. A real stink. My employees could not stand it. Every 2-3 hours they had to take a break, go out for some fresh air, so as not to get ill." Sharir's role was to see to it that the money would be transported out of the US and arrive in the bank accounts of the Colombian cartels in Panama and in Colombia. For that purpose he deposited money into his bank accounts, as though it was his profits from the shop, purchased assets for the use of the drug cartels, bought and sold gold at inflated prices from merchants who were part of the conspiracy and concealed money through various manipulations. Finally, all the money was turned into checks drawn on the accounts of Jewish religious institutions. Sharir received from the Colombians 6 percent of the turnover for his labors. Within a short period of time he moved with his family to a luxurious house in Woodmere, on Long Island. He purchased a luxury Jaguar car, showered his wife Miryam with expensive jewels and donated lavishly to Jewish charities. The troubles began in late 1988. In December his shop was raided by American customs and internal revenue agents, after they received notice from his banks concerning the volume of his deposits. They brought dogs to sniff out drugs, carried out a meticulous search of the offices and took away cars full of documents. Sharir did no lose his cool. While the agents were milling around his offices, he managed to conceal $600,000, which were in his bank account at the time and to transfer the money to a safe place. Simultaneously, Sharir fell out with his Colombian operators who claimed that he stole $26 million of their drug money. Sharir, who denied the accusation, hired an Israeli professional investigator, Lihu Ichilov, to solve the mystery. Ichilov soon became Sharir's partner. He flew to Panama, established two dummy corporations there, opened bank accounts and improved the laundering routes. Following the Federal agents' raid on his offices Sharir did not give up. Within two weeks he opened two other offices on 47th Street and resumed work. When asked by one of his lawyers how he had expected to escape the attentions of the law, Sharir replied: "I changed my system and believed that now, with God's help, I would never be caught." Sharir's new system included Rabbi Yosef Crozet whom we discussed earlier. Crozer's big mouth brought Sharir down, and he was arrested in March 1990. Crozer also led to Sharir confessing to having laundered $200 million. His wife Miryam was arrested together with him. Sharir, under the pressure of the interrogation, agreed to cooperate in exchange for his wife's release and the cancellation of the charges against her. The prosecution agreed. It was an extremely good deal as far as the prosecution was concerned. For three months Sharir fed the Federal investigators with most valuable information concerning the Jewish laundering industry. The information included names, methods of operation, codes, and bank accounts. Sharir led them to the exposure of what is termed the new "cocaine triangle". His information led to the incrimination of more than 35 Jewish launderers, the capture of $10 million and the breakup of numerous Jewish-laundering rings. Among others, Sharir incriminated the biggest laundering shark in the history of the US, Stephan Scorkia. The information Scorkia was charged with laundering $300 million, and was sentenced to 660 years' imprisonment. Sharir is now enrolled in the US witness protection program. He lives under an assumed identity, has been released on bail, travels under heavy security between New York, Rhode Island, Arizona and other states, testifies in criminal trials and goes on. His wife Miryam divorced him shortly after the affair erupted. She refuses to comment on the matter and told the Daily News: "I have no intention of talking. I divorced Aharon in order to distance myself from him and from his friends, and that is exactly what I am doing." Sharir was directly responsible for the flight of at least 35 Colombians from the US back to Colombia. One of the escapees was Duvan Arbolda, one of the Kali cartel's major launderers. Arbolda was charged in a Manhattan court of laundering on a vast scale, following Sliarir's testimony. Afler he completes his testifying, Sharir himself will stand trial. The prosecution will agree to a very low sentence, but this does not improve his chances of survival. "At present, Aharon Sharir heads the Kali cartel's wanted list," said an American customs official. Charges have also been served against Lihu Ichilov, Sharir's partner. However, Ichilov fled to Israel on the eve of his trial, in January 199 1. That was the period of the Gulf War and the judge, Richard Owen, who tried Ichilov in absentia, said: "Mr. Ichilov apparently prefers to face the horror of Scud missiles falling on Israel than the American justice system." Note 1. The Satmar Hassidic sect fiercely opposes Zionism. The present rabbi's uncle and predecessor (the position of a rabbi among the Hassids is limited to the members of "the sacred family"), Yoel Taitelbaum, had published learned books in which Zionism was described as an invention of Satan, Israeli victories (especially the one in the Six Day War) were attributed solely to the direct help given to the Israeli army, while the Holocaust was being "justified" as the Divine punishment of the Jews for the sin of some of them becoming Zionists. The present rabbi, although formally continuing the teachings of his uncle, has the most amicable relations with the Israeli government. // //Мнение автора данной работы сильно отличается от однозначной оценки других экспертов и сторонников безоговорочного осуждения "мирового еврейского криминального заговора". На девяносто процентов ряды еврейских аферистов, жуликов, отмывателей грязных мафиозных денег до 1998-99-го годов состояли из Робин Гудов, романтических искателей приключений и мечтателей о перераспределении денег в обществе, где нет справедливости и правды. Одержимые пассией "делать добро", вырвать деньги у богатых, у тех, у кого их слишком много, и отдать их бедным и обездоленным, эти люди в своем большинстве стремились получить мафиозные деньги для того, чтобы стредства эти передать на благотворительные нужды. Это касается не только отмывателей грязных денег, но и величайших в истории мошенников, которые по поддельным бумагам, путем хитроумных, остроумных махинаций преуспевали в получении путем мошенничества десятков миллионов долларов, чтобы эти деньги отдать потом на благотворительные нужды. На этом этапе не существовало никакого конспиративного участия государства Израиль и еврейской (в частности, израильской) криминальной мафии. Однако, на этапе вмешательства полиции и раскручивания машины возмездия появлялись израильские мафиози и - в симбиозе с ними - государство Израиль, которые захватывали львиную долю находящихся в руках подобных Робин Гудов средств в обмен на помощь и убежище. Как правило, к уголовному еврейскому Робин Гуду на этом этапе приставлялась израильская шавка, стукач-надсмотрщик, чаще всего сотрудник Моссада (в деле рабби Шарира, например, - Ихилов), который держал свою жертву собачей хваткой уже до самого конца. Существует мнение, что государство Израиль само выбирало заранее своего подельника, просто он об этом не знал. Следующий этап - перевод уголовных денег в Израиль и (в большинстве случаев) - самого их "коллекционера". И только примерно 1998 года возникло новое явление: моссадовско-мафиозные группы повсюду подменили частных еврейских проходимцев и Робин Гудов, взяв посреднические операции отмывания денег наркомафии полностью в свои руки. Это было сделано для того, чтобы не допускать в эту область людей со стороны, влекомых собственной, не санкционированной Израилем, инициативой. Так как государство Израиль через свою разведку занимается этим с самого начала своего существования, ему не выгодно, чтобы деятельность частных еврейских уголовников привлекала слишком много внимания к вовлеченности государства Израиль в деятельность международной наркомафии. В то же время Израиль оставил для себя возможность и далее прибегать к услугам американских евреев - ювелиров и мелких финансистов - для своих будущих криминальных операций. Но даже при наличии частной, не связанной с Израилем, подобной деятельности, она получает скрытое одобрение и даже поддержку со стороны Израиля в любом случае: потому что Израилю выгодно, чтобы еврейские общины богатели, тогда будет, кого доить, и можно будет выбивать из еврейских общин в рассеянье больше денег на Израиль. Конец дополнения// Так вот, те люди в странах Запада, которые заинтересованы в бесперебойном отмывании грязных денег, уклонении от налогообложения и в том, чтобы в Израиле не произошло демократизации, которая может рано или поздно вскрыть все эти вещи, и составляют то лобби, что подавляет всякие попытки признания западными демократиями чудовищной, фашистско-расистской, пиратской, криминальной природы современного израильского государства; международный валютный фонд, надправительственная организация, которая обладает огромной экономической и политической властью в западных странах, косвенно подстёгивает отмывание грязных денег в Израиле, так как заинтересована в возвращении себе тех займов, которые эта организация предоставляет развивающимся странам. Кроме того, в западных странах существует еврейское лобби, по идеологическим причинам и по причине своей заскорузлой консервативности /вспомним хотя бы бездействие в деле спасения евреев Европы от уничтожения/ не желающее признать факта дискриминации определённых этнических групп в Израиле и препятствующее огласке таких фактов. Кроме того, это лобби если не контролируется, то, по крайней мере, в значительной степени находится под влиянием тех, кто имеет свою выручку от преступной деятельности. Это сплочённая, монолитная сила, хорошо организованная и поэтому результативная; помимо того, после войны в Израиль устремились, косвенно судя не двум книгам, одну из которых я просмотрел в Библиотеце Народовой в

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