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xviii Priest G., Routley R. The Philosophical Significance and Inevitability of Paraconsistency // Paraconsistent Logic. Essays on the Inconsistent. G.Priest, R.Routley, J.Norman (eds.). M(nchen, 1989. P. 492. cxxix Fшllesdal D. Understanding and Rationality // Meaning and Understanding, eds. H.Parret and J.Bouveresse, Berlin-N.Y., 1981. P. 154-168. cxxx Jaњkowski S. Propositional Calculus for Contradictory Deductive Systems // Studia Logica, XXIV (1969). P. 143-157. cxxxi См.: N. C. A. Da Costa and F. Doria. On Ja(kowski's Discussive Logic // Studia Logica. Vol. 54. № 1. 1995. P. 47. cxxxii Dreyfus H. What Computers Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason, Freeman, San Francisco, 1972. cxxxiii Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980). cxxxiv Winograd T. and Flores F. Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1986. cxxxv Дж.Серл характеризует эту парадигму следующим образом: "неправдоподобный и наиболее знаменитый ... взгляд - это взгляд, будто компьютер мог бы иметь, в самом деле должен иметь, мысли, чувства и рассудок только благодаря выполнению соответствующей компьютерной программы с соответствующими входами и выходами. В другом месте я окрестил этот взгляд как "сильный искусственный интеллект" но его также называют "компьютерным функционализмом"" (Серл Дж. Открывая сознание заново. М., 2002. С. 29). cxxxvi H.R. Alker Jr., W.G. Lehnert, and D.K. Schneider. Two Reinterpretations of Toynbee's Jesus: Explorations in Computational Hermeneutics // Artificial Intelligence and Text Understanding / G.Tonfoni, ed., Quaderni di Ricerca Linguistica 6, 49-94 (1985). cxxxvii Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980).; J.A.Bateman, Cognitive Science Meets Existential Phenomenology: Collapse or Synthesis? // Working Paper № 139, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April, 1983; Bateman J.A. The Role of Language in The Maintenance of Intersubjectivity: A Computational Investigation // Social Action And Artificial Intelligence / G.N.Gilbert and C.Heath Grower, Brookfield, VT, 1985. P. 40-81. cxxxviii Winograd T. and Flores F. Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1986. cxxxix Mallery J.C. and Duffy G. A Computational Model of Semantic Perception // AI Memo № 799, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, Cambridge, May 1986. cxl Lenat D.B. AM: Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Search // Davis R. and Lenat D.B. Knowledge-Based Systems in Artificial Intelligence, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1982, 1-227; Lenat D.B. Eurisko: A Program That Learns New Heuristics and Domain Concepts: The Nature of Heuristics III: Program Design and Results // Artificial Intelligence 21, 61-98 (1983); Haase K. ARLO: The Implementation of a Language for Describing Representation Languages // Bachelor's Thesis, Department of Philosophy and Linguistics, MIT, 1984. cxli Drescher G.L. Genetic AI: Translating Piaget Into LISP // AI Memo № 890, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT, February 1986.; Minsky M. The Society of Mind. Simon and Schuster. N. Y., 1986. cxlii W.C.Lehnert , H.R.Alker Jr. and D.K.Schneider. The Heroic Jesus: The Affective Plot Structure of Toynbee's Christus Patiens // Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Computers and the Humanities / S.K.Burton and D.D. Short, eds, Computer Science Press, Rockville, MD, 1983, 358-367; H.R.Alker Jr., W.G.Lehnert, and D.K.Schneider. Two Reinterpretations of Toynbee's Jesus: Explorations in Computational Hermeneutics // Artificial Intelligence and Text Understanding /G.Tonfoni, ed, Quaderni di Ricerca Linguistica 6, 49-94 (1985). cxliii Lehnert W.C. Plot Units and Narrative Summarization // Cognitive Science 4, 293-331 (1981); Lehnert W.C. Plot Units: A Narrative Summarization Strategy // W.C.Lehnert and M.H.Ringle. Strategies for Natural Language Processing, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1982. P. 375-414. cxliv R.C.Schank and R.Abelson. Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, NJ, 1977. cxlv Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980). cxlvi Dreyfus H. What Computers Can't Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason, Freeman, San Francisco, 1972. cxlvii Winograd T. Understanding Natural Language. Academic Press, New York, 1972. cxlviii Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980). С. 215-219. cxlix Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980). С. 219. cl Bobrow D.G. and Winograd T. An Overview of KRL, A Knowledge Representation Language // Cognitive Science 1, 3-46 (1977). cli Simon H.A. Rational Decision Making in Business Organizations // American Economic Review 69, 493-513 (1979). clii Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980). С. 219. cliii Maturana H.R. Biology of Knowledge // The Neurophysiology of Language / R.W.Reiber, ed. Plenum Press, New York, 1977. cliv Winograd T. What Does It Mean to Understand Natural Language // Cognitive Science 4, 209-241 (1980). С. 223-224. clv H.Garfinkel. What is Ethnomethodology? // F.R. Dallmayr and T.A. McCarthy, Understanding and Social Inquiry, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 1977. С. 240-261. clvi Bateman J.A. Cognitive Science Meets Existential Phenomenology: Collapse or Synthesis? // Working Paper № 139, Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, April, 1983; J.A.Bateman. The Role of Language in The Maintenance of Intersubjectivity: A Computational Investigation // G.N.Gilbert and C.Heath, Social Action And Artificial Intelligence, Grower, Brookfield, VT, 1985, 40-81. clvii Halliday M.A.K. Language as Social Semiotic, Edward Arnold, London, 1978. clviii Т.Winograd and F.Flores. Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, 1986. clix H.R.Maturana. Biology of Cognition // H.R.Maturana and F.Varela, Autopoeisis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1980, 2-62. ?? ?? 20 3

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