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acology 29 (1990): 193-98. Dennis J. McKenna. "It's a Jungle Out There: Biochemical Conflict and Co-operation in the Ecosphere". Whole Earth Review 64 (1989): 40-47. "Plant Wisdom Resources". Whole Earth Review 64 (1989): 48-49. Camerol R. Hekmatpanath, Dennis J. McKenna, and Stephen J. Peroutka. "Reserpine does not prevent 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity". Neuroscience Letters 104 (1989): 178-82. Dennis J. McKenna. David B. Repke. and Stephen J. Peroutka. "Hallucinogenic indolealkylamines are selective for 5HT binding sites". Neuroscience Abstract 15 (1989): 485. Dennis J. McKenna. Adil J. Nazarali, Andrew J. Hoffman. David E. Nichols, C. A. Mathis, and Juan M. Saavedra. "Common receptors for hallucinogens in rat brain: Dennis J. McKenna, Adil J. Nazarali, Akihiko Himeno, and Juan M. Saavedra. "Chronic treatment with (+_)DOI, a psychotomimetic 5HT2 agonist, downregulates 5HT2 receptors in rat brain". Neuropsychopharmacology 2 (1989): 81-87. Adil J. Nazarali, Dennis J. McKenna, and Juan M. localization of 5HT2 receptors, in rat brain psychotomimetic radioligand". Progressive Biological Psychiatry 13 (1989): 573-81. Dennis J. McKenna, C. A. Mathis, and Stephen J. Peroutka. "Characterization of I-DOI binding sites in rat brain". Neuroscience Abstracts 14 (1988), no. 247.12. Akihiko Himeno, Dennis J. McKenna, Adil J. Nazarali, and Juan M. Saavedra. "(+_)DOI, a hallucinogenic phenylakylamine, downregulates 5HT2 receptors in rat brain". Neuroscience Abstracts 14 (1988), no. 229.2. Dennis J. McKenna and Juan M. Saavedra. "Autoradiography of LSD and 2,5-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine psychotomimetics demonstrates regional, specific cross-displacement in the rat brain". European Journal of Pharmacology 142 (1987): 313-15. Dennis J. McKenna, C. A. Mathis, A. T. Shulgin. and J. M. Saavedra. "HaHucipogens bind to common receptors in the rat forebrain" a comparative study using I-LSD and I-DOI. a new psychotomimetic radioligand". Neuroscience Abstracts 13 (1987), no. 311.14. Dennis J. McKenna, C. A. Mathis. A. T. Shulgin. Thomoton Sargent III. and J. M. Saavedra. "Autoradiographic localization of binding sites for I-(-)DOI, a new psychotomimetic radioligand. in the rat brain". European Journal of Pharmacology 137 (1987): 289-90. Dennis J. McKenna. L. E Luna. and G. H. Towers. "Biodynamic constituents in Ayahuasca admixture plants: an uninvestigated folk pharmacopoeia". America Indigena 46 (1986): 73-101. Dennis J. McKenna and G. H. N. Towers. "On the comparative ethnopharmacology of the Malpighiaceous and Myristicaceous hallucinogens". Journal of Psychoactwe Drugs 17 (1985): 35-39. "Biochemistry and pharmacology of tryptamine and B-carboline derivatives: A minireview". Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 16 (1984): 347-58. Dennis J. McKenna. G. H. Towers, and F. S. Abbott. "Monoamine oxidase inhibitor in South American hallucinogenic plants: Tryptamine and B-carboline constituents of Ayahyasca". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 10 (1984): 195-223. "Monoamine oxidase inhibitors in South American hallucinogenic plants. Part II: Constituents of orally active Myristicaceous hallucinogens". Journal of Ethnopharmacology 12 (1984): 179-211. Dennis J. McKenna and G. H. N. Towers. "Ultra-violet mediated cytotoxk activity of B-carboline alkaloid". Phytochemistry 20 (1981): 1001-1004. Dennis J. McKenna and T. K. McKenna. The Invisible Landscape, New York: Seabury Press, 1975.

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