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      Алексий II. Речь к раввинам г. Нью-Йорка 13.11.91 -
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y L. Fletcher Prouty. A Birch Lane Press Book, USA, 1992. 5) "Adam and Cain", by Ex-Governor Wm. H. Murray. The Meador Press, Boston, MA, USA, 1951. 6) "An introduction to THE ORDER", by Antony C. Sutton. Research Publication, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1983. 7) "The secret Cult of the ORDER", by Antony C. Sutton. Research Publication, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1984. 8) "How the Order CONTROLS EDUCATION", by Antony C. Sutton. Research Publication, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1983. 9) "How the Order CREATES WAR and REVOLUTION", by Antony C. Sutton, Research Publication, Inc., Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 1984. 10) "The Secret Power behind Revolution", Freemasonry and Judaism, by Vicomte Leon de Poncins. Boswell Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd., France, 1929. 11) "The New Age Movement and The Illuminate 666", by William Josiah Sutton. The Institute of Religious Knowledge, USA, 1983. 12) "The Satan Hunter", by Thomas W. Eedge with Robert L. Powers, Daring Books, Ohio, USA.1988. 13) "Philip Dru: Administrator. A story of tomorrow". The author of this book - a man prominent in political councils - must necessarily remain anonymous... the connection of Wall street and Washington, etc. Try to imagine a political "boss" telling all he knows! That will give you an idea of what Philip Dru learns and what this volume contains. Published by B. W. Huebsch, New York, USA, 1919. 14) "Wake-up America. It's later than you think!", by Robert L. Preston. Published by Hawkes Publications, Salt Lake, Utah, USA, 1972. 15) "Toward a New World Order", The Countdown to Armageddon, by Donald S. McAlvany. Hearthstone Publishing, Oklahoma City, OK, USA, 1990. 16) "The second Genesis. The Coming Control of Lift", by Albert Rosenfield. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, 1969. 17) "The naked capitalist". Who is trying to take over the World? by W. Cleon Skousen. Published as a private edition by the Reviewer (W. Cleon Skousen), Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 1970. 18) "The Metrocrats", Thomas Babington Macauley, London, England, writing to an American on May 23, 1857, "Your republic will be laid waste by barbarians in the 20th Century"", by Jo Hindman. The Caxton Printers, Ltd., Caldwell, Idaho, USA, 1974. 19) "The Anglo-American Establishment", by Carroll Quigley. Published by Books In Focus, Inc., Grand Central Station, New York, USA, 1981. 20) "None dare call it conspiracy", by Gary Alien. Concord Press, Rossmoor, California, USA, 1973, 21) "Painted Black", From drug killings to heavy metal - the alarming true story of how Satanism is terrorizing our communities, by Carl A. Raschke. Harper & Row, Publishers, San Francisco, CA, USA, 1990. 22) "The Franklin cover-up". Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska, by John W. DeCamp. AWT, Inc., Lincoln, Nebraska, USA, 1992. 23) "The Times Guide to 1992. Britain in Europe without frontiers", Comprehensive Handbook, by Richard Owen and Michael Dynes. Times Books Limited, London-1989. 24) "The Iron Curtain over America", by John Beaty. Wilkinson Publishing Company, Dallas, TX, USA, 1951. 25) "Power behind the Government today", by Helen P. Lasell. Liberty Publication, New York, USA,1963. 26) "Adolph Hitler and the secrets of the Holy Lance", by Col. Howard A. Buechner and Capt. Wilhelm Bernhart. Thunderbird Press, Inc., Metairie, LA, USA,1988. 27) "By Way of Deception. The making and unmaking of a MOSSAD OFFICER", by Victor J. Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy. St. martin's paperbacks Press, USA,1991. 28) "Constitutions Be DAMNED!, say the Internationalists", by Dr. B. Bruce. The Meador Press, Boston, USA. 29) "China, the Jews and WWIII", prepared by The Research Department of the White Power Movement, Liverpool, USA. 30) "Karl Man, Capitalist", by June Grem, Enterprise Publications, Inc., USA.1972.

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